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Presentation: Community Hiring Information Session

The Office of Community Hiring (OCH) and The Health & Housing Consortium are collaborating to host an information session for Consortium network members. The purpose of this session is to provide insights into Community Hiring, a newly launched initiative aimed at enabling the City to establish workforce goal across various City procurement contracts. This initiative aims to facilitate the employment of economically disadvantaged individuals while fostering connections between City contractors and jobseekers. The agenda for the session will encompass the following:

  • Introduction

  • Overview of Community Hiring Legislation

  • How Community Hiring goals work

  • Impacted industries

  • Rollout Timeline

  • Open Discussion and Q&A

The intended audience for this presentation is: Any organization(s) that will be impacted by the new legislation or potentially become a referral source (workforce development).

April 9

Training: Powers of Attorney, Medical Advance Directives, and Guardianship

April 24

Training: Veteran Status as a Social Determinant of Health